Holt House Infant School and Pre-School

  1. Governance
  2. Governors' Information and Duties

Governing Body of the Holt House and Carterknowle Schools Federation

Governors are responsible for making sure the school provides a good quality education for all pupils. Keeping educational standards in school high is always the governors key priority. Governors do not take individual action on issues; they work as a team.  Governors agree and uphold school policy.  They promote effective ways of teaching and learning when setting the school aims and policies. They do this together with the head teacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

The minutes and agendas of the full governing body meetings can be found on the next page.

Parent Governors LA Governor Staff Governors Co-opted Governors Associate Governors (no voting rights) Headteacher

Rajender Allam

Alice Hogan

Leanne Muscroft Alex Walsh

Amanda Livesey 
Mark Hayes

Simon Christie (Vice-Chair)
Alison Warner (Chair)


Helen Haynes (Executive Headteacher)

Michelle Powell


Lucy Atherton

School Development Committee/Strategic Group (SDC)
Chair: Clair Hughes

This group plays a key role in managing the business and ensuring that committee work is co-ordinated.

Resource Management Committee (RMC)
Chair: Rajender Allam

This group determines and reviews financial policy including consideration of long term planning and resourcing. It also is aware of and advises the governing body on legal requirements and procedures relating to personnel issues.

Equalities & Standards Committee (ESC)
Chair: Alison Warner

This group monitors regularly the progress towards in-year attainment targets for all children. It also is aware of and advises the governing body on the legal responsibilities of governors in terms of Curriculum provision and assessment including Special Educational Needs provision.

Positive feedback or suggestions are always welcome and can be sent to enquiries@holthouse.sheffield.sch.uk

If a parent or carer has a concern then they should see their child’s teacher or the headteacher. If the headteacher cannot resolve the issue, then the concern should be put in writing and marked for the attention of the clerk to governors and handed into the school office c/o Mrs E Thompson: PA to the headteacher.

Please read our Governors information