Holt House Infant School and Pre-School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Year 1

Year 1 Curriculum

In Year One we focus on a different project each term. Projects incorporate History, Geography, Design Technology and Science, and are entitled: Amazing AnimalsThe Way we LiveUp, Up and AwayAt the Farm and Castles. Children are encouraged to think critically and be creative. Projects are brought to life through enrichment opportunities, for example a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park, and outside visitors and events.

Other curriculum subjects (Art, Music, Computing, P.E and PSHE) are taught through separate lessons, again with a focus on creativity and making learning relevant.

Holt House curriculum is well sequenced, so children can revisit knowledge gained last year and build on it over the year. Citizenship is emphasised with children reflecting on their place in different communities and how they can grow as responsible citizens. Our curriculum is aspirational, focussing on a development of awe and wonder in the world that we live in, and people and organisations who can inspire us in our own lives. 

 Autumn 1 Wider Curriculum.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Newsletter Spring 2 2025.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Plan for the Year.pdfDownload
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